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Would You Be Missed If You Were Gone?

A pastor once asked me, “100 years after you’re gone, how many people do you think will remember you?” I recall thinking, maybe none. Only a tiny fraction of people who died 100 years ago are remembered today, but it did get me thinking about it.

It’s not so much “remembering me” that matters, as I look at historic people it’s usually things they did that are remembered. It’s their accomplishments, or breakthroughs that people recall. It’s the impact they had on others’ lives. It’s like in business, if you want to stand out, the only thing that matters are your actions and how those actions affect other people.

If we remain focused on “what can I do for someone today, that will help them?” Those are the types of people whose names we remember. Even just thinking of literally everyone I know today, I recall people longer if I noticed the positive impact they’ve made on me or those I care most about.

Why is it then, that in business we don’t think that way when we attempt to radically differentiate ourselves from our competition. Most businesses realize that if you’re radically different and better than others your clients could hire, you’ll acquire more clients. The more different & better you are, the faster you’ll acquire new clients and the more revenue you’ll bring in.

What I recommend, and what we do at our firm, is to focus on the top 20% of your clients. Focus on all of them if you can, but really pay attention to the top 20% of your clients who generate 80% of your firm’s revenue. The few clients that could mean the most to your firm over the next 3-years, focus more attention on them.

Get to know them well. Make sure you’ve had The Expectations Conversation, asking them to describe what would exceed their expectations in working with you. Document that conversation for everyone at the firm. Not only will it help exceed this client’s expectations, it will encourage you and your people to brainstorm impressive things that could be rolled-out to other clients.

The more something means to a client, or impresses them, the more your team should consider doing it for a greater number of clients in that same situation. That is, of course, if it’s well-aligned with the reason you were hired in the first place.

This is about developing a process for consistently exceeding all your Ideal Client’s expectations and on an increasing basis over time. As you grow larger and larger, wouldn’t it be great if your client experience is one of increasing Client Service and an extraordinary client experience?

Forget 100 years from now, think next year. If your business were to fold or go away, who would care next year? Would anyone care, or would they have selected another firm, perhaps suffered through a period of change, but quickly settle-into the new company’s routine?

What I’m suggesting here is thinking that way. Think differently, What would make their lives easier and more convenient? How can you become indispensable?


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About Mark McKenna Little

Mark Little is the ‘regular guy’ Financial Advisor whose unconventional approach to financial services acquired 1,242 clients.

Then in just 34 months he rebuilt his business from the ground up, shattering international records and boosting revenue by 412%

Read Mark’s Story here

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