As promised, here are the 6 items that Financial Advisors asked me to provide when I spoke live at Bill Bachrach’s recent Client Acquisition Mastery Dojo Workshop:
- The 3 Most Important Client Acquisition Skills… [click here]
- Here’s the free Course I promised you which outlines the 10 critical success skills for effective client service: The Only Game In Town, 10 Game-Changing Strategies For Financial Advisors.
- My Ideal Client Profile. Here’s the Ideal Client Profile I use to filter potential client leads. Feel free to use any or all of the language I’m providing you here… [click here]
- My strongest recommendation is to begin calculating The Annual Referral Rate™ (TARR) every month.
- Your TARR is the number of referrals provided by your Ideal Clients over the past 12 months, but calculated as a “rate per Ideal Client.”
- This calculation is the best and most direct method of measuring client satisfaction.
- You can learn to drive the trend of this rate upwards by focusing on consistently exceeding your Ideal Clients’ expectations at every interaction.
- As promised, here’s the calculation I recommend you calculate and circulate to your entire internal team each month… [click here]
- Here’s the model of my staff structure. This structure is optimal for serving up to 100 Ideal Clients… [click here]
- When I first started out, my only internal staff person (“on payroll”), was my Administrative Manager who coordinated my Subject Matter Experts for me and performed standard administrative support tasks.
- Once I acquired more than half my Ideal Client Goal, I hired one additional staff person (not shown). A Director of Client Services to whom my Administrative Manager and all Subject Matter Experts reported. This freed me up to focus entirely on exceeding my Ideal Clients’ expectations (and acquiring new ones).
- At first, all my Subject Matter Experts were contract labor. Skilled local professionals who worked at their own firms and were only paid by me after I acquired an Ideal Client.
- After I acquired about half my Ideal Client Goal, I began slowly bringing all my Subject Matter Experts in-house.
- I could afford internal staff at that point, and it was easier to serve Ideal Clients when my Subject Matter Experts were in my office on my payroll.
- So, 8 people to serve up to 100 Ideal Client families (7 team members + me as my clients’ Most Trusted Advisor).
- Here are The Ten Client Deliverables™ I promised you during my talk. These deliverables are provided as a baseline to all of my Ideal Clients, then we work to identify each clients’ expectations and make efforts to exceed them at every interaction. The Ten Client Deliverables™… [click here]
Finally, here are all the slides from my talk… [click here]
If you feel there is an area of skill which you think our financial services industry doesn’t train particularly well, or is a stumbling block for you personally, please let me know what it is and I’ll consider creating a course to simplify and clarify the topic in detail (if it’s within my expertise). Just leave a comment below.
Also, if you have any additional questions from our time together, please leave your question below in the comments section. -Mark