Mon, 15 Jul 2024 14:48:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 The Mark of Mastery™ The Mark of Mastery™ The Mark of Mastery™ No The 2 Client Acquisition Projects All Financial Advisors Must Master Sun, 25 Feb 2024 16:44:03 +0000 Mark McKenna Little invites financial advisors to master lead generation by engaging fully with his presentation, eliminating distractions, and focusing on actionable insights that could transform their business practices. He stresses the importance of finding and engaging potential clients as the foundational skill in building a successful advisory practice.

Video Transcription
Hi I’m MarK McKenna Little and I have
two requests before we start first for
the next few minutes can you take off
that I already know that hat I really
don’t care what you know I care about
what action you take and second I
recommend that you focus solely on what
I’m sharing with you turn off your email
the texts the pings the dings the
messaging and just stay right here
there’s no such thing as multitasking
and this content just might mean a major
breakthrough with something that you
know you need to improve and master
something that will have an impact on
both your business and your life and
what I have to say will be worth your
time because you’re at this page I’m
going to assume that you’re a financial
adviser who serves individuals and
families just like me now no matter what
your business model for every financial
adviser who serves individuals and
families there are three skills that you
must master finding potential clients
converting them into ideal clients and
then exceeding their expectations today
I want to talk to you about the first
skill finding potential clients now this
is also called lead generation that’s
where it all begins if you’re not able
to find lots of potential clients figure
out which ones are the most profitable
and then master the skill of having them
want to sit down and talk business with
you well then the other skills don’t
matter because you were cut off before
you got as far as needing those skills
so I want to focus exclusively on lead
generation right now mastering finding
potential clients and becoming great at
sitting down and discussing business
with large numbers of the best ones you
know I love talking about this it’s the
first step on the road towards becoming
known in your community and being
different and better than other
financial advisors it’s the first step
in becoming the
only game in town so imagine this
scenario you’re the owner of an
incredibly successful business you have
just a handful of ideal clients who pay
you a flat and your recurring fee to
handle literally everything in their
financial lives and you have a team of
subject matter experts in all areas of
personal finance who work together to
execute a written lifetime financial
strategy for every client and that
strategy centers around achieving the
clients and goals so your clients pay
you far more than an ordinary advisor
and they’re prepared to pay it because
you provide an extraordinary client
experience nobody else does what you and
your team does for them and your clients
are so happy they can’t help but mention
you and refer you to everyone that they
know they take over all your marketing
for you and before you know it you have
the most affluent members of your
community who want you as their most
trusted financial advisor and ultimately
you’re able to close your business to
new clients serving just a small
community of ideal clients but at an
extraordinary level with plenty of time
and income left over to pursue your own
interests and your own goals now that’s
called a lifestyle Boutique business
model or maybe you don’t want to stop
accepting ideal clients at that point so
you hire a skilled financial adviser to
take the lead
serving the new clients as they’re
introduced to you and that way you don’t
close your business to new clients you
just keep accepting new ideal clients
forever and you hire new advisors to
serve them now that’s called the
enterprise business model so whether the
lifestyle boutique or the enterprise
business bottle appeals to you more the
bottom line is they both sound pretty
good right the fuel for either engine is
building a business that clients love
and providing an extraordinary client
experience they’re motivated to share
with the people that they know well it’s
entirely within your
reach and you’ve taken the first step
just by being here right now for me I
had to resolve the significant problems
that I had with all three phases of
client acquisition but right out of the
gate my biggest problem was with lead
generation to replicate how I broke
records acquiring clients so quickly
you’ve got to split my career into two
phases before and after I cracked the
code on lead conversion now before I
figured out lead conversion that’s when
I mastered lead generation and I added a
ton of clients I added twelve hundred
and forty two clients yielding three
hundred and eighty eight thousand
dollars per year in business revenue and
that’s a lot but after I figured out the
lead conversion piece by adding just 83
clients I was able to yield from those
83 clients 1.6 million dollars per year
in recurring revenue now I would never
have been able to add so much revenue
with so few clients if I hadn’t mastered
lead generation that’s the skill that
makes forward motion possible with all
client acquisition activities if client
acquisition were an engine lead
generation would be the fuel so we’re
gonna focus on lead generation mainly
because there’s already a lot of great
content out there for mastering lead
conversion and client service it already
exists matter of fact when it comes to
client service even I already offer tons
of training content showing step by step
how to exceed clients expectations
including two flagship programs that
I’ve got one that’s quite advanced and
the other for financial advisors who are
just starting out with our methods but
it’s training on lead generation that’s
missing and I’ve never documented how I
totally cracked the code
meeting tons of potential clients in the
first place and you know what my process
is actually really simple so here’s what
I want you to do I want you to go grab a
notebook and a pen and fasten your seat
belts because I’m gonna give you my
entire lead generation process right
here right now so take some notes all
right so the thing you have to
understand is I’m gonna give you this
whole process in less than 10 steps but
what you need to know is that I ran two
lead generation projects simultaneously
the internal refer ability project was
with my existing clients and the
external refer ability project was to
become known out in the community by my
potential clients you know I honestly
feel that you could be my client
acquisition record just by launching
these two projects and simply following
the steps that I’m gonna outline for you
right now
all right number one my premise for the
whole thing is that most of my clients
already knew more people than I could
possibly ever serve now not every client
knows that many people but most clients
that was my premise and you know what I
was right secondly my goal was then to
consistently impress my clients during
each and every client progress meeting
why well in the hopes that they would
share the experience with other people
in their lives even when I wasn’t around
to ask them for referrals so I did not
focus on providing services that I
thought my clients needed I mean that’s
what the entire financial services
industry does they kind of force
services on clients but rather I focused
on services clients themselves already
wanted services that they felt were
missing in their life and we’re willing
to pay the most for so I invested the
time required to understand
each client’s expectations are and then
I shared those expectations with my team
so that together we could continually
brainstorm new and different ways to
pleasantly surprise each and every one
of my clients so that’s the internal
refer ability project plain and simple
just keep brainstorming ways to impress
clients until most of them begin sharing
the stories with other people in their
life without even being asked to do it
and that worked worked great so the
second project is external refer ability
that’s lead generation project two of
two and that’s creating a positive
reputation out in the community as
someone who’s highly competent and
worthy of trust so I basically set out
to resolve my biggest client acquisition
problem which was that very few of my
potential clients even knew my name much
less knew what I do that’s different and
better than other financial advisors in
my community so I realized I’m mostly
unknown to my potential clients so I
made the decision to get out of the
office most days of the week and so I
began meeting with lots of new people
I joined committees causes and projects
that already interested me so I focused
on developing relationships and you know
what I never discussed business with
anybody that I had just met in all these
venues outside of my office until the
other person asked first I just simply
focused on being a nice likable person
who added value and every single other
any venue that I chose to be in so
bottom line is I never used any sales
scripts I never used any appointment
closing techniques but rather I waited
until people asked so mark what do you
do or in some cases just developing
relationships they volunteered
money issues that they were facing and
at that moment I’d offer to schedule the
initial client interview to sit down and
talk business but only if I saw some
sign that that person might fit my ideal
client profile guess what that’s it
that’s my entire lead generation process
in less than 10 steps it’s just these
two projects one to impress current
clients so that they’d want to introduce
me and then the second project to become
known out in the community among my
potential ideal clients I’m just saying
follow that process precisely and your
schedules gonna be filled with potential
clients who want to meet and to discuss
business with you so before I move on
let’s just pause for a minute and see
what questions you’ve got I mean I think
you could implement just based on what
I’ve I’ve laid out so far so I think the
question I’ve got is what obstacles do
you see with all of this what’s what’s
still in your way after hearing what I
did I mean are you crystal clear on how
all of this worked now that I’ve laid it
out I mean let’s face it could you fill
your calendar with potential clients
based on what I just outlined and if not
why not I mean what more do you actually
need to know at this point other than
what I’ve just shared so I don’t know I
mean maybe you’re wondering if I had
some special advantage over other
financial advisors some little part of
the story that I’m not telling you I
mean maybe you know did my family or I
already know a bunch of
multimillionaires that are giving me a
boost on all of this I mean I didn’t but
if that’s your hang-up about this this
method of acquiring clients you know I
actually could invest the time to prove
to you that just the opposite was true
that I had many disadvantages that most
financial advisors don’t have but if
that’s what’s holding you back let me
know and I’ll walk you through all of
that or maybe maybe you just simply want
more details about exactly what I did
what details do you want to know or
maybe it’s time management maybe you’re
curious how I was able to juggle my busy
schedule I mean I was serving twelve
hundred and forty two clients after all
so how did I find enough time to get out
of the office to interact with all these
new potential clients I’ll tell you
right now just a couple of adjustments
in my schedule actually opened up all
the time that I needed to make this work
but is that your obstacle is that what
you need to know more about if so let me
know and I’ll lay all that out for you I
don’t know maybe you’re just simply
wondering wouldn’t the traditional sales
method just be quicker than all of this
perhaps you’re thinking couldn’t I just
add clients more quickly if I used the
various appointment setting scripts and
closing techniques that trainers and
financial adviser coaches usually
promote well maybe you can but if that
was true then why has no one ever beaten
my record I mean for most of my career I
was actually with a nationwide firm so
why did no one at my nationwide
broker-dealer ever beat my annual
production my business revenue
I mean if traditional sales methods
worked better well then why was the
number two financial advisor at this
firm at my firm a distant second from me
not even close for many many many years
up until the end when they when I went
out on my own and started my own firm
also why hasn’t any financial advisor in
any of bill back crack’s various
training programs and coaching programs
over the years never beaten my record
either before or after I met bill I mean
in all these years why has nobody ever
been consistently able to add ideal
clients as quickly as I did I mean month
after month year after year for years
and finally I mean myself I’ve been
working directly with financial advisers
one on
one since 2002 so if traditional sales
techniques worked more quickly than my
methods do then since 2002 why has no
financial advisor ever been able to add
I deal clients as quickly as I have
frankly that’s why I decided to stop now
and document my lead generation process
and create this course because
apparently there’s nothing out there at
least nothing that works as quickly as
this method that I used so frankly I
know lots of advisers who actually will
beat my record so long as I don’t
overlook any detail of the process that
I used and that’s my goal right now is
to find out what is it that’s missing in
this course to make sure that it’s
thorough so now it’s your turn I mean I
feel like I’ve given you everything you
need to know in order to implement the
same process that I used to acquire
twelve hundred and forty two clients so
the question is what else do you need to
know now I’m gonna make another video
here in just a few days I’m gonna see
what reaction there is to this and I
want to see what questions this content
that I’m laying out today raises and
I’ll see if I need to dig deeper into
the big concepts that I covered today or
if I can move forward to the next level
of strategies and tactics that allowed
me to acquire ideal clients so quickly
so if we’re ready to move on if we’re
ready to make forward progress with this
content then I’ll share with you exactly
what I did to change and adjust and
improve the process that I just laid out
along the way so that my schedule was
always filled with potential clients who
wanted to come to my office and talk
business you know I figure that if I lay
everything out for you that you’ll help
me make this course even better I’m
hoping that if I lay it all out there
for you that I don’t know you’ll
reciprocate by commenting below
and sharing little elements that occur
to you that’ll make this course
maybe you’ll point out an important
element of the strategy that I
completely skipped over or or maybe
you’ll remind me of a really basic issue
that I’d forgotten was a challenge for
me in the early days I don’t know I’m
just hoping that you’ll agree to get
involved and help me identify things
that are gonna make this course
excellent I don’t want this course to be
just good
I want this course to be excellent I’ll
be back in a few days with the next
video in the series now make no mistake
I admire you for watching this and for
wanting to figure out how to acquire
clients quicker than you ever have
I get it increasing the quantity and the
quality and the pace of your client
acquisition would have a significant
positive impact on your business and
your life it could even be a complete
game-changer depending on how fast
you’re acquiring new clients right now
and I acknowledge you for knowing that
you still have more to discover about
this business you can have a major
impact on the development of this course
that I’m creating
now I’m gonna spell out exactly the
method that I use to acquire ideal
clients so quickly without using any
sales tactics or scripts or sales
methods whatsoever so I encourage you to
get involved and help me make sure that
this course has everything in it that it
needs to have you know after all these
years of implementing my own method I’m
afraid that even I might take some of
the basics for granted and I don’t want
to leave anything out
that a financial adviser might need or
want to understand fully now if you’re a
veteran advisor please take a minute to
help the next generation of financial
advisors by making a comment below this
video about what you wish somebody had
told you or taking the time to teach you
when it came to generating leads to
potential client
but if you’re still actively acquiring
clients this is your chance to master
lead generation do you currently have
more leads to potential clients than you
can handle like I did or could your lead
generation skills benefit from some
improvement so take a minute and tell me
what you most want to learn how to do or
maybe describe the obstacles that you’re
currently facing out there as you
attempt to find leads to potential ideal
clients if I have a solution
I promise I’ll add it to this course
that I’m creating and know this most of
my solutions to my biggest problems
ended up being really simple strategies
or workarounds I think you’ll be glad
that you took the time to ask me and no
issue is too small
don’t forget I’ve been working
one-on-one with other financial advisers
since 2002 and seldom a week goes by
that I’m not asked a question about
something that’s so basic and so mundane
that I had long forgotten what a problem
it was for me at the time but when I
think about it you know it was a huge
issue to me at the time I just forgotten
about it it’s called the tyranny of
knowledge where you master a skill which
means that you have something that it
was at one point very difficult or maybe
even impossible for you to accomplish
but over time with practice something
has now become very easy for you but you
forgot how hard it was at the beginning
or even what the specific frustrations
used to be so nothing’s too small to
share with me if it’s something you’re
struggling with when it comes to
identifying and meeting leads to
potential clients then mention it to me
below I don’t want to leave anything out
of this course that I’m creating so use
the comments section below to tell me
the one thing that you’d most like to
know about how to acquire new clients
quicker than you are right now take a
minute and paint the picture for me
about what your superhero self would
look like if you were acquiring clients
in the numbers and at the pace that you
really want to so what’s the one thing
that just has to be covered in a course
like this that what you would feel would
knock down all the barriers for you and
allow you to acquire the types of
clients that you want at the pace that
you need in order to accomplish all your
goals this is Mark little of the mark of
mastery and I’ll see you in a couple of
]]> 0 Mark McKenna Little invites financial advisors to master lead generation by engaging fully with his presentation, eliminating distractions, and focusing on actionable insights that could transform their business practices. He stresses the importance of finding and engaging potential clients as the foundational skill in building a successful advisory practice. Video Transcription Hi I’m MarK [...] No No 0:00 Aireen Inocian