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The Internal Referability Project and The External Referability Project for quickly acquiring Ideal Clients.
Replacing traditional ‘sales’ tactics, The Internal Referability Project is an effective system for designing an Extraordinary Client Experience that your Ideal Clients find indispensable to their lives, which is proven to exponentially grow the quantity and quality of your spontaneous, unsolicited client referrals.
Replacing traditional 'networking' tactics, The External Referability Project is an effective system for strategically building your reputation within your community, which is the proven method that affluent, successful people (your Potential Ideal Clients) genuinely want to meet you... so you get to know, like and trust each other.
How routinely using one simple form will accelerate your business growth without using any sales methods, tactics, or scripts.
Becoming known as a person who always remembers every detail a person shares with you makes your reputation extraordinary. Being known for always remembering important details about a person is also The Mark of Mastery™.
The 4-step process for meeting as many new people as you need to acquire as many new clients as you want.
Effective practices for more easily implementing The Relationship File™ system.
Creating an Ideal Client Profile, an accurate profile of the client you serve best and most enjoy working with, to use as a filter for identifying Potential Ideal Clients or eliminating potential clients from consideration for Ideal-Client-Level services.
Increasing the likelihood of meeting all your future Ideal Clients on-schedule, as-planned, and at the frequency you need to.
Finding ample time in your schedule to implement The Relationship File™ External Referability Project.
Don't panic if you experience anxiety or overwhelm as you implement a new system and skill like this. The key is to acknowledge these normal human reactions but to never give up. Use this section if ever you become frustrated or simply can't imagine getting out and meeting new people on a routine basis.
Realise Your Goals With This Proven, Step-By-Step Implementation Plan.